Saturday, April 29, 2006

Saturday Picture Gallery

I've been writing so much about the past that I haven't really spent much time on the present. It's not that exciting, really, given the fact that I spend most of my time at the computer either mixing music or making videos. Not a whole lot to tell, but...

This is Aaron. Aaron is a film student and Jim had agreed to appear in his new film short. Unfortunately, the day was cloudy and it started to rain, so the shoot was put off until June. Very sweet script about two guys looking at their gravestones and having a little tension over their neighboring plots. We all met for breakfast and I even had volunteered to be a production assistant. Who knew it would rain in Los Angeles? What kind of a world is this coming to? And also, how adorable is he? A really sweet guy who felt bad about postponing the shoot, but what can ya do.

This past week we also attended the opening night of Jay Johnson's "The Two & Only" in Burbank at the Colony Theatre. I waited around and snapped a shot of Jay with Robert Mandan since both of them were on the sitcom "Soap."

Meanwhile, back home, Steinbeck saw that I featured Thurber on a previous diary entry, so he jumped into a box and tried to mail himself to Europe.

I didn't work, though. He weighs so much, he couldn't afford the postage.

Meanwhile, Alexandra Billings is moving. So, I went over to help out a bit.

1 comment:

Gabi Clayton said...

Thurber and Steinbeck are both such cute cats!

Hey Noel has announced we have someone new in our family. Go to my blog and read the April 29th entry "welcome Linus!"

Oh and also check out my April 30th entry "song ~ "Holy Dirt" by Steve Schalchlin"