Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Thyroid Update

Next week, I start taking new pills to help my thyroid condition. If you'll recall, several years ago I was diagnosed with Graves' Disease, which is why my eye went all googly, popping out of my head, causing me to have the eye surgery a couple years back.

In short, my body has been attacking my thyroid gland for the past several years and now the blood test reveal that I'm starting to need to help it out a little in order to maintain a healthy chemical balance. So, we're adding synthroid. In reading about it, the side effects range from hair loss to massive weight gain to nothing at all. So, we start with a little dose and watch the blood sugars and everything else until the body gets all settled in.

I have the drug now, but decided to wait a week so that I can coordinate ordering it with all my other meds. The list is getting so long, I feel like a chemistry experiment gone bad.


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. I'm starting to need a towtruck to pick up my meds at the pharmacy, not to mention that I feel like I need the keys to Fort Knox just to pay my co-pay.

Hang in there, kiddo. :)


Anonymous said...

Better living through chemistry!

Has always been my motto!

Anonymous said...

You may be able to turn the graves around naturally. Go to and read Jody's story and articles on repairing thyroid. The downside to doing it natural is eating healthy and no side effects. Also you don't get to contribute to "Big Pharma" ahh decisions